
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Obama: Clinton is fit to lead the US

US President Barack Obama has hailed Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton to say who is suitable to lead the United States.
Addressing the forum's main Democrat in Philadelphia, amid jubilation by ambassadors, President Obama said there had been no one qualified to lead the United States than Mrs. Clinton. 
"There has never been with a man or woman, whether me or Bill Clinton or anyone else who had graduated more if he becomes president, "said Mr. Obama. 
Amemsifu also with exertion and was the first woman in the nation's history to be appointed as the presidential candidate of the largest party.
Amempongeza to tear down barriers and create more opportunities for Americans. 
Has promised Americans that Mrs. Clinton defends unity and values ​​of Americans.
Mr. Obama also has strongly criticized Republican candidate Donald Trump. 
Earlier, Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia accepted the nomination to be president of Mrs. Clinton's running mate.


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